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UPDATED Bright Holy Womb (1400 × 800 px) (Facebook Cover).png

September 26th - November 21st, 2023

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In this revolutionary 9-week journey,

you will be guided through the

energetic healing of your Womb. 


Now is once more the time of the Divine Feminine Arising. Each week you will be guided through reclaiming the Creatrix power of your “Bright & Holy Womb” through a multidisciplinary & cross-cultural process of:


  • Earth Honouring Ceremony

  • Shamanic Journey Work

  • An Alchemical Creatrix Art Process

  • Wisdom Teachings from Divine Feminine Luminaries

  • Mystery School Teachings of Embodiment & Sacred Sexuality

  • Bhakti Yoga with Womb Creatrix Asana Practices

  • Somatic Breath & Embodiment Practices



The Bright Holy Womb is a powerful process that will enlighten your Womb as a creative energy centre of universal intelligence, a chakra that births new life, new realities, and new timelines.


Be ready to BLOSSOM, as you remember what was once forgotten. 

This journey is ideal for women of all ages who are longing for greater health, beauty, and connection to the infinite Creatrix power within.


It is also for any woman who is struggling with:


  • Fertility

  • Miscarriage

  • Abortion

  • Birthing trauma

  • Hysterectomy

  • Lack of creativity

  • Disrupted womb health

  • Moon-pause transition

  • Sexual trauma or disconnection

  • Pain around moon time discrimination

  • Bleeding challenges

  • Lack of inspiration

  • Body shame

9 Week Ceremonial Journey 

2 options for participation!

online journey
weekly calls

September 26th-
November 21st, 2023
3 - 5pm PST

(All calls recorded)

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online course + Deep Dive In Person Ceremonial

Retreat date:
November 16-19th, 2023

Includes All online goodness Plus Divine Feminine Medicine retreat

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Our Wild Divine Creatrix Journey Weekly Overview

September 26th - Temple of the Womb Creatrix

October 3rd -  The Labyrinth of the Past

October 10th -  The Yoniverse is Sovereign

October 17th -  Invincible Innocence

October 24th - Holy Shakti Rising

October 31st - Wild Honey (You are the juicy mango!)

November 7th - Alchemical Mistress & Divine Elixir

November 14 - Supernova: The Creatrix Awakens

CLOSING Ceremonial Retreat - The Bright & Holy Mystery

November 16-19th @ The Sentinel Retreat, Kaslo BC

November 21st - The Bright & Holy Mystery



To enrich this potent ceremonial space, we

will have the following guest divine feminine

luminaries sharing womb wisdom:

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Cindy Miro-Quesada


Co-founder of The Heart of the Healer Shamanic Mystery school & Shamanic Doula

Creatrix of "Goddess Intitation - Midwifing Your Divine Feminine Self"

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International Author and Teacher of Heart Yoga





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Elizabeth Cunningham


Beloved Author of "The Maeve Chronicles"

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Belinda Eriacho


From the Dine’ (Navajo) and Zuni lineages. Founder/board member of the Church of the Eagle and the Condor.

Program Advisor for Naropa University, and Native American Traditional Advisor for SoundMind.


JoAnn Lowell


International Speaker, Birth Attendant, Breathwork Practitioner, Mentor for Birthing the New Humanity, & Visionary for the International Breathwork Foundation. Creator of The Breathing Classroom. Author of "Womb To Thrive: Soul Birth"


Lindy Flynn,


Transformational & Alchemical Artist, Grandmother

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Andrea Wilson


Traditional Chinese

Medicine Practitioner. 

Womb Wisdom Advocate for Menarche & Beyond

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Athena Naia


Shamanic practitioner, Plant Spirit Medicine ceremonial guide, and devotee to the awakening of the divine feminine light. Student and Teacher of the Women's mystery teachings of the Rose

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Lindsay Thompson

Somatic Therapist, Holistic Doula, and Plant Medicine Ceremonialist. Compassionate Guide for Miscarriage & Abortion

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Reanna Costa


Bhakti Yogini, Yoga Teacher, Somatic Healing practitioner, Meditation, Breath Work & Ceremonial Guide

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Lauren Cote


Bhakti Yogini, Plant Alchemist, Ceremonial Guide & Sound Alchemist

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Your womb is the star gate of Divine Power, which holds the keys of immortality..png

Register now for

The Bright Holy Womb

To find out more of what is included in each

retreat please go to the registration page link below!!!



9 Week Deep Dive Online only

Tuesdays September 26th-November 21st, 2023 @ 5pm PST


This is a deeply transformative journey of Womb awakening through shamanic ceremonial

processes, guided alchemical art mandala creation, wisdom teachings, interviews with beloved Divine

Feminine Luminaries, and womb mentorship.


Each Monday (moon-day) we will gather by

Zoom for this sacred container of the

Bright & Holy Womb. Each week's class will include guided practices, contemplative teachings, the ceremonial creation of an Alchemical Art

Creatrix Portal Mandala, and an interview

recording from a Divine Feminine luminary.


​ (See the bottom of the page for examples of

hand-painted mandalas)





Online Process with closing in-person retreat

ALL Tuesday calls plus

Retreat: November 16-19th, 2023

This option will profoundly resource and empower your healing journey. 


The Bright & Holy Womb Divine Feminine Mysteries Retreat

November 16-19th, 2023


Each Retreat will be held at The Sentinel Retreat in the beautiful Kootenay Mountains of British Columbia. We have found no more powerful way to to activate profound healing than this ancient ceremonial system.



Online 9 Weeks and 4 day Retreat

Do you have more questions?
Email with any questions or to book a call with Robin to see if this program is for you.

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Your Guide to The Bright & Holy Womb
Visionary Alchemist & Mystical Mama
Robin Flynn
, M.A.


My womb journey has been a wild ride!


I am a woman who lived through 9 years of a bleeding disorder and has fully healed to become a mother, soulmate lover, and embodied leader. Yes!!! 9 years of bleeding! What creature but a woman can bleed so much and not die? Before I was 24, I bled 7 times more than the average woman does in her whole life. 


If I can heal, I truly believe that anyone can. At 23, all that allopathy could offer me was toxic hormones or a hysterectomy. Instead, I chose to TRUST myself, my intuition, my intelligence, and my ability to listen to the wisdom of my body. I had doctors fire me for choosing to trust myself more than their expertise, my calling to be a mother was so great. I chose the path not often taken, one of self-love and self-trust, even as my body ached, bled, and my closest companion was fear.


This bleeding brought me so many gifts, was such a great challenge, and ultimately became the portal to profound and ever-flowing Medicine. This great Womb Initiation also brought me to the sacred plant medicines and ceremonial arts, where after so much struggle and striving, I received true and lasting healing. The efficacy of these Medicine ways led me to my life calling as a shamanic ceremonial practitioner.


My ceremonial experience has been within lineages of huachuma, ayahuasca, peyote, yopo, the sacred mushrooms, different sweat lodges lineages, and Andean ceremonies. I am a Magdalene within the Order of the Fellowship of Isis, and weave the love of the Divine Feminine and the sacred marriage into all that I offer.

You can learn more about my practice here.


In my 15+ years of ceremonial work I have witnessed miracles, danced with beings of light, experienced the materialization of ancestors, held space for spontaneous remissions, seen countless break throughs into Love, and in addition to all of this BEAUTY...I have seen some pretty f*cked-up abuses of power. Almost all of these abuses have been caused by the hangover of patriarchy and the immature shadow work of practitioners. 


Each lineage has their own approach to honouring the Divine Feminine, the beauty of moon time, and Sovereignty of each woman. I have seen creative, destructive, and downright fearful paradigms within different lineages in their relationship to the Womb. Many still fear our moon blood, and many still fear the power of Life. 


From my experience, I can say with unequivocal confidence that our wombs, our moon time, our sacred blood, and our beautiful sexuality are forever PURE. Moon time does not cause harm, it is a blessing and enrichment of a ceremonial container. The only thing that causes energetic harm within ceremonial containers are the side effects of false realities, entrenched belief systems, energetic codependency, hierarchical power structures based in the illusion of separation (aka the “shaman” is the healer), and the unconscious acting out of the facilitator


Our sweetest
Wild Girl

She is so worth all
the dedication & work of healing.

The Holy Mother is calling us home, deep into our forgotten birthright. It's time to understand the Divine Feminine way of Power, which is subtle, evocative, somatic, and gentle. There is no power of domination or dominion within the Womb, it is a power of creation, containment, life, transmutation, renewal, and birth. Many still carry fear of this power because NOTHING in the human realm can hold a torch to source of life itself. Now is the time to fully regain our connection to the Feminine face of the Divine in loving union with the true and blessed Divine Masculine and fully blossom our soul's gifts. This is the time to shine, blossom, enlighten, and bless all life!


I am also a visionary artist. Painting is the way I integrate the epic amount of ceremonial and Plant Spirit Medicine work I am called to on my sacred path of service. Without a place to channel the lightening energy of the Medicine and lineage, I feel like I will spontaneously combust. It is in my art that my whole journey comes together, where the greatest insights arise, and where my heart feels held by the Beloved. It took me years to move beyond the loud voice of my inner critic and begin to allow art to be a place of pure connection and expression. The inner healer is the inner artist, and art is magic. To awaken the Creatrix we must create!


I have studied with mandala artist and master painter Paul Heussenstamm of and Marsha Donner in the "Colour of Woman" system by Shiloh Sophia McCloud. With these two I learned more than in all of my university class rooms combined.


With intention on our Creative power, the prayers within our hearts of the more beautiful life and world we know is possible, our art will save the world. Each painting is a healing journey that becomes a gateway of Medicine and a rich space of contemplation. Every time I look at one of my paintings, I receive more of the beauty, wisdom, love, and devotion that lives within me as the Creatrix. Each painting is an ongoing portal of teachings.


I will guide each woman in this journey through the creation of a radically unique Moon-Gate Mandala. This will be the outer reflection of their inner reclamation. It will be fun, challenging, messy, inspiring, and transcendent. While I have painted dozens of pieces in the last 8 years (since my pregnancy with our daughter Kinti which re-awakened the Creatrix within me.I have just a handful below to give you an example of the mandala creation process offered in this ceremonial journey.


Faith Mandala
My contemplation of the teaching:
"Faith and fear cannot exist in the space space, so choose your master"- Kathleen McGowan

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I painted this in the first

2 months of lockdown in 2020.

Its a big prayer for the awakening of all beings to our Divinity....and a big painting of 4 x 4 feet.


Divine Mother Be With Me

My first mandala painting when I was pregnant 2014 


"Dar de Luz"

To Give to the Light


I painted this in the last months of my pregnancy as a prayer for our birthing to be in Beauty. I completed this as part of my "Healing with the Arts" program


"Divine Intervention of Grace"


My heart was broken and blossoming at the same time. The greatest vision of service lay before me in the creation of Star River Sanctuary, alongside within the great and unexpected loss of a miscarriage. This painting walked me through the gift in loss.


"Unconditional Joy"


After my father's death I felt empty and numb. I didn't know how to grieve, and felt all the unhappiness and the pursiut of happiness in my ancestral lines. My prayer is still to feel unconditional joy, to let go of the constant judgement on life.  Ironically, this was a very dificult painting for me that took mentorship to finish.

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