8 Week Online Masterclass
Coming Again Soon....
It is through pressure that
Diamonds are forged.
It is now in the overwhelming pressure and force of this time that a whole new order of Healers is awakening.
Join us to Activate the Clear Power and Infinite Strength of YOUR
Diamond Light Body Merkaba.

As Seen On...
It's a wild ride right now...
but there is a Way forward.​
Many of us are just keeping our heads above water as the waves of
the Great Turning are coming stronger and faster every day.
Every where we look we see the signs of the old world order crumbling and the drowning empire on the fast path to full self destruction.
Simultaneously many are experiencing rapid awakening into shamanic realities of multidimensional Being, flowering of psychic gifts, experiencing plant spirit medicines, and healing/awakening at a rapid rate.
In order to thrive in this time, those who are awakening need shamanic wisdom tools for spiritual warriorship, because there have been others who walked this path before us. They were the Shamans, Healers, Warriors, and Mystics. Each of these paths eventually lead to the same destination...
The Diamond Light Body.​
Intro to the Diamond Light Program

It has been known by many names and found by many paths.
Now a new Way has been forged in the infinite pressure and
outrageous force/crisis of this time.
We are here to share this Way with you.
The Way already lives within you.
This is not about learning something new.
This is remembering your spiritual Power,
pure Light Clarity, and Infinite Soul Strength.
This is your spiritual birthright.
This Master course will guide you step by step into the activation of this ancient and powerful spiritual technology so that you can :
Heal and awaken gracefully with powerful new tools of Mastery.
Meet the energetic interference and distortion within the world from a powerful place of mastery.
Guide and assist others in their healing (without drowning in the density of their suffering).
Learn how to navigate multidimensional Beingness with your feet firmly planted on Earth.
"The activation of the Diamond Light Body is a critical step for all awakening souls on the Earth Plane."
In this 8 week ceremonial process you will learn to:
✨ Transcend Oppositional Duality (yes, this is possible and you can learn how to do it)
✨ Reclaim your Sovereign Power
✨ Understand the multidimensional energetic dynamics of what is happening on a planetary level
(everything is in a state of evolution)
✨ Learn tools for skillful shadow work (if we don’t learn how to do this we become servants to the darkness that lives within Humanity)
✨ Remembering our unified field of being
✨ Learn techniques and practices of energetic self mastery and self care
Reconnecting with Divinity
✨ Clear distortion and interference from your field
✨ Create lifelong energetic and psychic immunity from the viral programs of separation and fear
✨ Learn how to inwardly see the distortion for what it truly is and how to clear the harmful impacts of this illusion from your life
✨ Move from and old paradigm to a new paradigm
✨ Access to the new earth energies and releasing the old paradigm of separation
✨ Reconnecting to the infinite support we each have on the spirit realm

You came here for a noble and mighty purpose.
Your soul has a big mission.
You deserve and need all of the support of the benevolent guides and
enlightened beings of Love to bring your Gifts here and now.
You're the only you!!!! Your unique medicine is needed!!!!

The activation of the Diamond light body is a critical developmental step for all awakening souls on the Earth Plane. It has been known by many names, and found by many paths. Now a new path has been forged in the infinite pressure and outrageous force/crisis of this time.
We are here to share this path with you.
It is through our intrinsic Sovereign Power that we remember, reclaim, reconcile, and harmonize the primordial forces of creation within to build the Diamond strength and clarity of our human vessel so that the full radiance of our Soul may shine forth.
In this 8 Week Journey you will learn the practical steps to actually DO THIS.
The attainment of the spiritual technology of the “Diamond Light Body” is a hallmark of those on the path to full enlightenment (multidimensional and multi temporal.) Over the last epoch of time the Diamond Light pathways have been held within Mystery schools and in most traditions was only taught from direct mystical revelation or from Master to disciple in direct transmission.
The “Diamond Light Body” has been known by many names within many mystical traditions. In Sufism it is called “the most sacred body” and the “supra celestial body.” Taoists call it “the diamond body,” and those who have attained it are called “the immortals” and “the cloudwalkers.” Yogic schools and Tantrics call it “the divine body". In Kriya yoga it is called “the body of bliss.” In Vedanta it is called “the superconductive body.” The ancient Egyptians called it “the luminous body or being” (akh) or the karast. This conception evolved into Gnosticism, where it is called “the radiant body.” In the Mithraic liturgy it was called “the perfect body.” In the Hermetic Corpus, it is called “the immortal body.” In the alchemical tradition, the Emerald Tablet calls it “the golden body.”

Diamond Light Healer, Diamond Light Warrior is a profound gift from the Councils of Light, Ascended Masters, and our ancient future selves, to assist Mother Earth and all life at this critical step in our collective evolution.
At this time on the planet and within the intense creative and destructive energies of the Great Turning, this transmission is being offered to all who -
“Have the eyes to see, the ears to hear,
and the heart to feel."
This is how humanity becomes the spiritually mature
Galactic Civilization we are destined to become.

Darcy Kopas and Robin Flynn are holistic mentors, guides, and teachers of the sacred arts and spiritual technology of the Pachakuti Mesa. Our work is based in the reverent application of cross cultural shamanism to co-create numinous containers of empowerment, resource, and healing.
With the blessings and sanction of our elders, we are bridging the vast ancient (yet very much alive) wisdom of Andean Paqokuna and Kamaska curanderismo within the dynamic evolutionary waves of the emergent global entheogenic renaissance. This bridge building is a syncretic and integral path which empowers each individual to become the “Shaman” of their own healing journey, through guided, sincere, and authentic practice.
We work in sacred partnership to bring forth these teachings and ceremonies for personal and planetary healing.
The Diamond Lightbody Is a gift from the Lineages of Love and Ascended ones to ignite the “Star of Sophia, Sun of Christos” which is an ancient and highly evolved sacred geometry of embodied divinity through the unifying of polarity.
This is a profound and powerful spiritual technology that purifies and harmonizes all. This “merkaba” of Divine Feminine Christ consciousness is a light body to facilitate the full embodiment of our Ever-shining soul power Holy Spirit into human form.
The Diamond Light Body is activated through an 8 step ceremonial process and is an initiation into the deeper mysteries of Truth, Love, Harmony, and Justice. It can be accessed by anyone, anywhere who seeks “The truth of love and the love of truth” with all of their heart.
This light body is a mighty tool of bohdisavvtic compassion, for it facilitates personal healing and awakening while creating a “field of force” which has the potential to empower the healing, awakening, and lifting the suffering of all beings.
Once fully activated and initiated the Diamond Light Body allows one to BE the medicine, refuge and sanctuary regardless of outer circumstances.
This light body has been known by many names throughout many traditions. We have been given a very precise activation sequence and sacred geometry that is a gift from the Councils of Light, Ascended Masters, and our own higher selves to create an impenetrable field of holism within the whole of our consciousness including our physical body that unifies polarity and creates a field of force able to transmute and harmonize one’s inner and outer reality to be in alignment with Divinity.

Shamanic Wisdom teachings and personal guidance through weekly
live calls and written material
Tuesday's November 1st- December 20th
Simple and effective self care practices to keep you vibrating at your highest potential
Learn and practice Divine Transformational prayers for expansion and purification
8 weeks of Karpay
(energetic transmission of Wisdom/Love/Power) through guided Light Code Activations
Apprenticeship into the sacred geometry of the 12-pointed “Star of Sophia-Christos Merkaba” for personal and planetary healing
Connect and build community through a Diamond Light mastermind group. 1 x a week in cosmically selected constellations
Each Module will have:
~ 1.5 hour video teaching for the current week.
~ 30 min Light Code Activation
​ ~ Supplemental Deepening Practices ~
(Rapid Embodiment Daily Energetic Practices to Ground, Resource, and Empower)

Week 1
Intro to The Way of Sovereignty, Yanatin, Masastin, and the 7 Hermetic Laws
Week 2
Polarity of
Female / Male
Week 3
Polarity of
Week 4
Polarity of
Earth / Heaven
Week 5
Polarity of
Matter / Spirit
Week 6
Polarity of
Space / Time
Week 7
Polarity of
the One / the Many
Week 8
Full Syncronization and
Synergy of the Diamond Light Body
Lauren shares her experience of Visionary Hearts Shamanic Trainings.
Tanin Shares his experience of the Way of Sovereignty activations.
Q: What’s a virtual course?
A: It’s a great way to engage live and pre-recorded teachings and each other from the comfort of your home! All you need is a computer, mobile device, or telephone. We use Zoom video conferencing to make it just like an in-person event.
There’s no additional charge for connecting to Zoom with your computer or mobile device. Please note that dialing Zoom from your telephone is a toll call; your telephone service provider will charge you according to your existing long-distance calling plan. International access numbers are available.
Q: Can I get benefit from the course if I miss the live classes?
A: Absolutely! You can download the recordings of all course sessions from our Teachable online course program, so you never need to worry about missing live calls. You can really go at your own pace.
Q: Are there scholarships available for this training?
A: Yes, we always make a certain percentage of spaces available for partial scholarships, for those who otherwise would not be able to enroll at the regular rate. If you’d like to apply for a scholarship, please email visionaryheartsretreat@gmail.com and we will send you an application form.
Q: What’s your refund policy?
A: Your satisfaction with Visionary Hearts and this course is our highest priority! We offer a satisfaction guarantee so that you can sample the course risk-free. All that we ask is that you fully participate and attend all sessions before you make your decision. Our intention is to grow a heart based community where no one is left behind. The deadline to receive a full refund is November 14th, 2022. To request a refund, please email visionaryheartsretreat@gmail.com and submit your request. Qualifying refunds will be processed within five business days and an email confirming the refund will be sent. However, we’d love to have a chance to address and resolve your concerns first. If there’s something we can assist you with, please email us at visionaryheartsretreat@gmail.com and we’ll be happy to help! (No refund requests accepted after the above date or with scholarship awards.)
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