The Mountain & I are One
Pachakuti Mesa Carrier Retreat
Supported Crystal Mountain Pacowachu
August 1 - 5, 2024

Mountain medicine is a foundational aspect of the Pachakuti Mesa tradition. The tradition speaks to the need to anchor ourselves to the wellspring of life that is the Apu (Mountain Spirit) as a profound necessity to re-membering our connectedness. It is from this connectedness that our blessings and medicine blossom forth. This living sense of “connectedness” is fostered through our acts of Ayni. This retreat in the past years has truly been one of the most beautiful and magical ceremonial experiences of our lives. The Paqowacho is an essential step on the path to becoming a living embodiment of “Hampicamayoc”. It is also the ceremony where the Apus gives the apprentice sanction to continue onto their full path of service. We cannot stress how important this is.
This retreat will be focused on creating a supported Paqowacho experience for all those who feel called through cultivating Ayni with the Apus, Nature Spirits, and Ancestors to potentiate and deepen your relationship to the magic, medicine, and mystery of the Mesa arts. This will also be an opportunity for those who have completed level 4 of the PMT apprenticeship series to experience their personal Pacowachu in a supported way. We recognize that without a supported option for the Paqowacho many will simply not complete this ceremony. Please read the bottom of this email for more information about this option.
This retreat will be held on Crystal Mountain and hosted out of Star River Sanctuary. The magnificent West Arm Park is only a short hike from our land, and this protected park has many places and unique ecological niches for this solo ceremony. We also have 17 acres plus 30 more above us of forested land that is exceptionally private close to the retreat, for those who wish to have privacy and are not as able to hike long distances.
We will gather at Star River Thursday at 5pm. For those who would like an initial hike/introduction to the trails and areas that are ideal for camping, we will do that at 3-5pm if you would like to come early. At 6pm we will have a shared meal and that evening we will begin our opening circle and weave our energies into a strong container for the powerful initiatory experiences to come. Friday morning the Paqowachu Initiates of the group will set out on their own for their 36 hour solo Paqowacho. The remaining group will have a base camp set up at Star River and keep the prayer fires burning. Saturday afternoon all of the Paqowacho pilgrims will return and we will have a big celebratory feast. On Sunday we will enter into a day of deep communion with Pachamama through the ancient sacrament and tutelary guide of the Heart medicine. We will co-create a “Taripaypacha” or “Golden Age” Despacho to help support each of our relationships to Pachamama, our community, our own unique Soul expression. Monday morning we will have an integration, karma yoga, and closing circle. We will close by 2:00pm on Monday.
Included in this retreat will be 4 nights on the mountain (3 @ Star River), exceptionally delicious and nutritious catered organic meals, yummy nourishing beverages, one heart medicine ceremony, guided facilitation and support, and most importantly homemade raw chocolate!)
Cost of this retreat which includes food, lodging & facilitation:
$399 + Lodging
If you are needing payment plan options please just let us know:)
We also welcome cash payments.
Retreat Schedule ~
Thursday August 1st
5-6pm Arrival
6pm Dinner
7-9pm Opening Circle
Friday August 2nd-
8-9am Breakfast
9am Pilgrims Head Up the Mountain
Saturday August 3rd-
Pilgrims come down from the mountain throughout the day
5pm Dinner
Sunday August 4th - Sunday Snacks and Dinner
Monday August 5th - Brunch
We are passionate about supporting all members of our Ayllu Awesome to complete their individual Paqowacho! In both Darcy and I’s experience, this is really the ceremony that awakened the whole apprenticeship series into a tangible force in our lives. During and afterwards, the connection we felt with the PMT lineage, ancestors, and energetic support from the Apus, have been PROFOUND! We cannot express enough how significant this! We really wish to encourage the completion of Paqowacho (with us or on your own) to honour all the time you have already devoted to learning this medicine.

About the Leaders
Darcy Kopas
International Mentor, Guide, and Retreat Leader Co-founder of Star River Sanctuary & the "Empowerment & Resource Model" of Healing Co-founder of the Way of Sovereignty - Shamanic Tools for Spiritual Warriorship Darcy is a gifted and highly trained plant spirit medicine Kamaska Curandero who specializes in sacred plant spirit medicine ceremonies and distance energy medicine.
Robin Flynn
Kamasqa Curandera- Plant Spirit Medicine Ceremonialist- Visionary Creatrix ~ New Earth Mystic International Mentor, Guide, and Retreat Leader Co-founder of Star River Sanctuary & the "Empowerment & Resource Model" of Healing Co-founder of the Way of Sovereignty - Shamanic Tools for Spiritual Warriorship Robin is one of the only a few fully trained western Kamasqueras.