~ The Way of Love Returns~
July 22- 24th, 2022
The Great Mother is calling us home. Her power, presence, and call is helping us to awaken out of this long, dark night of separation consciousness. It it through deeply reconnecting with the Divine Feminine (as both Earth and Holy Spirit ) that we can truly open to the beauty and majesty of the Heavenly Father/Divine Masculine. The greatest healing we can experience is awakening from the illusions of separation to the Divine (including her expression as Earth) and remember through this embrace that we are loved, welcomed, and needed here.
July 22nd is the Feast day of Mary Magdalen.
This holy day is awaiting our reclamation and reconciliation.
It is a day rich in history, power, and mystery.
The Order of Magdalens, which includes all genders, is an ancient soul lineage of Way Showers of Love.
These souls choose to incarnate to help liberate souls from the illusions of separation. We live in the time of prophecy when the Order of Magdalen is awakening out of a deep slumber and feeling the call of Destiny. In this time those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear are awakening individually and collectively to the remarkable preciousness of all Life, and the sacredness of that which gives life, our Blessed Earth Mother.
Many of us are feeling the call deep within our hearts to a more expanded service. This call is the heart song of the Order of Magdalens, to live and grow love. To teach love by the way we live. The tenderness of our individual wounds and the collective traumas are initiating a powerful (at times overwhelming) longing to be of Service to the living soul of Gaia. When we gather as a collective with the focused intention to alchemize our pain, suffering, and wounds, into something that can nourish our lives and the collective, an unparalleled potency is of service is possible.
This retreat is a marriage of: the ancient teachings of the Fellowship of Isis, the ceremonial arts of the Pachakuti Mesa tradition; the skillful means of a coherent heart/brain to actualize change in the greater Field of consciousness; the power of group intention; the radical medicine of sound, breath, and movement; and the way of Beauty.
(and it's going to be super awesome and lots of fun!)

- Resourced and powerful healing for core wounds, addictive tendencies, and physical dis-ease.
- Quantum Leaps in understanding, insight, and empowerment for your Sacred Path of Service.
- Personal blessings for your Life.
- Reconnection to your Heart, Love, and Power
- Shamanic tools for spiritual warriorship
- Initiations and empowerments from the Fellowship of Isis and Pachakuti Mesa Lineage
- Three days of Earth honouring heart ceremonial work
- Two ceremonies (one of a gentle Divine Cacao Psilocybin Elixir on Friday afternoon & Heart Medicine on Saturday)
- Immersion in the beautiful gardens and verdant forests of Star River Sanctuary
- Teachings and practices of the Fellowship of Isis and Planetary healing rituals of the Andes
- Elemental cleansing, sacred fire ceremonies, and blessing rituals of Renewal.
- Guided journey work & integration support.
- Delicious, organic meals from the gardens of Star River and other local farms.
- Restorative movement, dance, and Shamanic energy practices
- Learn and practice Karma Yoga - Life is the Master Teacher
- Optional body work and treatments
- Skilled, experienced, and kind facilitation of Darcy & Robin.
- Pre-retreat check in call upon request
- One group zoom integration call
Financial Investment- $555 plus 2 nights lodging
This retreat will be held @ Star River Sanctuary and begin Friday July 22nd at 10am and conclude Sunday July 24th at 2:30pm.
We are also willing to offer payment plan options. We are passionate about making these events available to those who have a strong desire to participate and will work with you to make this happen!