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~Be the Light~

Chaska Mayu Ayllu- Chinchaysuyu 

Pachakuti Mesa Gathering

Summer Solstice Ceremony

Star River Sanctuary

June 20-22nd, 2023

We are made of star light. We are the ancient prayers sung by our ancestors made manifest. We are the blessed generation that has the great gift and equally great responsibility to be the stewards of the Great Turning. Its a big and messy job! That is why now more than ever, we need as many hands on deck and as many mesas activated as possible. 


The solstice energies are super strong and powerful. This is a profoundly important time to be in ceremony, and bringing together our prayers, our love, and our reverence. As our Andean mentors have shared with us "not a single offering or prayer goes unnoticed by Spirit."  Be it in small intimate ways or large community gatherings, let's keep our love flowing, it's never been more important, and what our hearts have to offer does matter! 


This ceremony will be a deep dive, into the heart of the Mystery and wisdom of mastery of "Light". The teachings say that the summer solstice is where we can open up learning how to have mastery within Light.  Together we will open sacred space to access greater volumes of Light to nourish, harmonize, align, and embody more of the heavenly energies. When we do this together in our sacred community, the healing is absolutely limitless. Now is the time and we are the ones. 


We will gather on Tuesday June 20th 5pm and have an evening of teachings and potent shamanic journey work. Wednesday June 21st we will enter into a deep communion with our beloved Heart Medicine. Wednesday June 22nd, we will have our closing circle and conclude around 1pm. 


Please let us know if you would like to come a night early or stay a night later and we can arrange this.


Cost of this ceremony will be $333 per person plus lodging

A non-refundable deposit of 50% is required upon registration.


This cost will include delicious organic meals (snacks for heart meditation, dinner, and breakfast), 1 heart ceremony on June 21th, and a whole lot of magic. 



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