A Visionary Council for Women of the Sacred Arts
January 8-10, 2021
In this gathering of wise warrior women we will illuminate the mystery school that lives within each of our hearts through the ceremonial reclamation of our Divine Sovereignty. We will dive deep into the well of compassion, forgiveness, and medicine that lives in our DNA and re-member Love that we are.
A ceremonial journey into the Heart of the Mystic
At the heart of every mystical tradition is Divine Union. This is an embodied and transcendent experience of the sacred marriage of divine feminine and masculine energies; the heart and mind; spirit and matter; light and dark; form and formlessness.
SOVEREIGN SOUL POWER Equinox Portal Full Moon Retreat
A Ceremonial weekend of remembrance of our true cosmic inheritance.
March 17-20th, 2022
"Sovereign Soul Fire" is a reclamation of our spiritual Power, and a state of consciousness in which we live from the awakened understanding that Divine Love is the Source of all Creation, it is the invincible innocence of our true essential nature.
A transformational retreat for healers, care providers, and frontline workers.
In this 4 day ceremonial retreat of renewal we will bring the vast love that lives within our hearts home to the inner “wounded healer”. Be ready to deeply transform through radical empowerment.​
Receive the Humminbirds blessing
This 11 day soul nourishing pilgrimage to the Sacred Valley of Peru will be a ceremonial and initiatory journey into the Heart of the Andean wisdom traditions. It is a precious opportunity to create a more alive and awakened connection to the ancient, yet every new, wisdom of the Andes. The Andean healing traditions offer a potent antidote to the disconnection to Earth and Soul, so prevalent in the dominant global culture. Each of us who brings healing to the disconnection in our own lives, helps to bring Healing to the collective.